Thursday, October 25, 2012

more font ideas

Here are a few more different ideas for my masthead, this time I added a few different colors and some extra objects behind the words.

font ideas..

These are my first fonts for my magazine. I am still very open to changing it but as for a beginning I wanted to play around with titled fonts and black and white. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

wacom drawing #3

This was my final Wacom drawing. This is the main idea I plan to go with. I want to have a college student balancing all kinds of work on her head showing all the things that go into college just to receive that hat and diploma on top. I am going to have the words and article ideas all in between the objects.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

magazine ad hand sketches

wacom attempts

(My title is between balanced, equilibrium, and equipoise)
this is my first time using the wacom. It was extremely difficult especially being left handed and having to turn the actual pad itself. Hopefully with time and patience I will be able to use this tool to benefit my speed of projects. Overall my sketches look awful but my point is hopefully evident and I did take extra side notes on actual paper.

Some of my topics that I will be choosing from are

college life 101
 how to manage stress
15 minute meals
simple before shower exercises
easy roommate dinners
is organic food worth the extra cash?
love handles no more!
healthy snacks for in between classes
what is your current water intake?
walking vs. driving to class
the truth about ramen noodles

My ideas for the topic photo of balanced items are
cap and gown 
projects (art)
socialize and friends
rent (bills)
movie tickets
clubs and activities (sports)
grocery shopping

I might try to place these items on the head of a college student or maybe in both hands and the books or items connect towards the top of the page.

Monday, October 22, 2012

questions for magazine project

1. My target audience is actually anyone that is looking to improve their health or eating habits. This could range from college students to full time workers or even new moms. I would like to include example grocery lists for college students ranging from price and nutrition.

2. The name of my magazine is undecided. I was thinking of coming up with a catchy slogan but the overall concept will hopefully be about a healthy new way of thinking.

3. As for my masthead I am thinking of something simple that everyone would be able to recognize. I don't want to get too fancy with it simply because I was the topics on the front to engage the readers interest not just the title. As for fonts I was thinking larger fonts for the main heading and smaller fonts underneath like a regular magazine. As for specific types I am looking into common fonts simply because my magazine will not be about funny or outrageous stories but just healthy living.

4. On my cover I was thinking of having someone cut up vegetables and fruits for a meal and include the family in the background. I would like to have a family somehow involved because the most important conversations in my house always took place at the dinner table. I would like to get the idea of family across as well as health and exercise. Another idea that crossed my mind was an actual shopping list next to a huge stack of college books and papers.

5. To entice my audience I was hoping to involve family and food. Who honestly doesn't enjoy looking at the food on the covers of magazines. I do enjoy this yet it always seems like I don't have enough time to cook those meals. I would love to include a section of easy meals especially for college students.

nutrition web

This is my web for the future nutrition magazine project. After completing my web I went through and highlighted words I thought fit best with my concept. I ended up with the words exercise, grocery shopping, labels, serving sizes, and last minute I wanted to include organic.

mood board for nutrition magazine

This is my mood board for the next project. My topic is nutrition and I will be focusing on exercise, organic food, and labels of food. To display this information we are to create the front page of a magazine. I am hoping to come up with headlines that would actually benefit people such as myself and learn something while creating this project. My mood board includes foods of all kinds and the colors associated with those foods. I also have food pyramids and food labels to show the nutrition facts behind these. I will also include exercise tips and how organic foods are good or bad for the body.
Overall my goal is to make a believable magazine cover and to present it in the appropriate way.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Celeb Ad Assignment

This was our first photo shop assignment. My overall idea for this assignment was to replace the woman he was walking with and place me into it instead. Overall I think I did well with erasing her completely into the background but I feel as though I should have made myself larger. It will take a lot more practice using photoshop but once I learn the basic concepts I feel as though I can do really awesome projects. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

For this homework assignment we had to create a layout and fill in the example photos. In order to complete my layout I created all the photo examples and placed them on my desktop. From there I placed them onto my layout below.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Final Seed Packet Project

This is my final project cut and mounted. Overall I think that my project turned out well and the idea was exactly what I was going for. I did get some negative feedback about how each flower should represent the style of the artist I named but I just wanted to get the point across that each one was designed in a different style. For my future projects I will try to do more research and try to make my designs more personalized. My mounting went okay, I feel that I need a bit more practice with using the exacto knife but on the black board my edges look pretty straight. 

As for my actual packet I think it turned out well. Everyone had positive feedback about the colored background and the tiny details I added seemed to make it look elegant.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Final Seed Designs & Packet

This is my final design for my seed packets. I am extremely happy with the way they turned out. My idea since the begin has been changed but the overall design has stayed the same. Each packet represents a different type of artist and you are able to grow some of their art work by placing the materials on top of the newly planted seeds. Example, the pansy seed packet is to grow a ceramic pansy. The directions tell you to plant the seeds and place a slab of clay on top. The vines that grow will begin to carve into the clay and create the pansy flower. After it is complete, the packet will also come with a small glaze that you are able to pour over the flower giving it the purple color.

This is my printable put together seed packet. I had trouble with this part of the project but I think it turned out well. The first time I put the packet together I realized I needed to move things over and I also made the mistake of glueing pieces together that weren't suppose to so my first one does not open. I am hoping to fix these mistakes and reprint. My entire project will be completed and mounted for this Thursday. Can't wait!