Thursday, December 6, 2012

webpage crit

After  doing the in class critique I realize my webpage is no where near as developed as the class. I thought I did well for my first webpage but now I just feel silly. I wish I would have known how to do certain things such as a photo bar and scrolling images. I know this is not an excuse but with all my other studio classes I did not have the time to dedicate enough time to make this webpage what it could have been. I also feel I should have done further research on my artist because I couldn't find a lot of information that I could transform into a great webpage.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

final webpage!

I am extremely happy with my webpage. There are small things that I would like to change but in the end I thought the main page looked really nice. I took my time and redid a lot of the small boxes and text. I really tried hard on this project and I hope it shows. I really impressed myself with using illustrator and photoshop and then having it end up in coding. Although I really dislike coding I think I learned a lot in this project.

webpage attempts

 this was one attempt at getting his photos to appear without a border

 this was one of my first header examples

this is my final photo attempt that will be above my video

another attempt at getting the photos correct

another attempt at a header example

and another...

 this was my attempts at getting my text box to fit underneath my already there video

and again...

 and again..

 this one took me a while to figure out

 side bar examples, tried different ways of including small colored blocks in with my text

 another attempt

 and yet another...

 changed the background color, really liked this discussion.

 my first try of trying to get my photos and text to match up

 very beginning idea of how to show his title sequences

 my final header, really like how i duplicated it and overlapped them

 my final photo layout

Monday, November 26, 2012

kyle cooper

My webpage will be based on a man named Kyle Cooper. I chose Cooper because when I googled him the movie seven came up, being a fan of this movie I decided to go with him. After researching him I found out he has done numerous movies and TV shows. Cooper has been credited as the man who single-handedly revitalized the main title sequence as an art form. He founded two internationally recognized film design companies, Imaginary Forces and Prologue Films. He was also one of five title designers to present his work at the flux/forget the film, watch the titles event in Hammer Museum, LA 2009.

After reading some information about Cooper I realized he is more into the titles and the design of the movies and shows. I am excited to dedicate a webpage to him, I just hope I do it justice.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

first webpage exercise

This is the first in class example we needed to do to practice web page design. Overall my example looks exactly like the example. The entire process of making a website is extremely frustrating to me but I am hoping with time and patience that it will become very useful for my future.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

my first web page

This is my first web page created in digital theory. It will probably take me a while to figure out how to code but once I get the hang of it I would really like to create a website that I can use for my career after college. This website includes basic type and paragraph and break lines. I also included a photo of Danny Briere of the Flyers for my example photo. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Final Mounted Magazine Cover

Here is my final mounted magazine cover. After our class critique I was told that my masthead should be a bit larger.  If I was to redo this cover the things I would change include making the title a tad bit larger, maybe changing the color or the 15 simple roommate dinners, and maybe changing the way the benefits of walking vs driving to campus would wrap around the person instead of just being there. 

For this project I will not be redoing and reprinting this project. Yes I would love to improve my concept and the visual aspects but as this time what I created gets my point across and I have too many other things to work on.