Monday, September 10, 2012

Illustrator 2

In the last few videos we had to watch I have learned about the colors found on the programs and where to use certain colors. For example, RGB standing for red, green, blue, is used mostly for web design, while CMYK is used for print. After learning the colors, we watched videos on how to fill in and outline certain areas of our design. Short cuts for fill and stroke are command + control A for all and command + control Y for outline mode. When making lines you use paths and anchor points. The definition of a path is line structures that make up what you want to make. In essence a path is a skeleton that you can cover with a design. A helpful command we learned is hold shift +click which allows you to select multiple points are one time. You can have open paths and closed paths. An example of a closed path are shapes, while a line is an open path. While using shapes you are able to use the arrow keys to add or subtract points or rows. Besides paths, I learned how to join and average points together. If you have an item that is already joined, you can then use the scissors or knife tool to cut objects in half.

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