Thursday, September 20, 2012

This is my first seed packet. After printing it out for the first time I realized a few changes I needed to make. First was that the color of my flower and the small leaves around it were very dark. Since then I have lightened them and will continue to print out examples to test the colors out on paper. The second mistake I needed to change was the yellow colored text on the bottom. The color itself shows up wonderful on the computer screen but not so well on paper. I changed the yellow to the same color purple on the top text. I also wanted to change the size of the text, making it just a tad bit smaller to give it more room. Another student pointed out that if I was going to have a small hummingbird on top of the text I might as well make it bigger so I will be changing that as well. Overall I felt this seed packet looked great for my first time using these programs.

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